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abbreviation - Variable in class ClassType
Abbreviation for this class.
Ability - Enum in <Unnamed>
Ability scores enumeration and methods.
Ability() - Constructor for enum Ability
Ability.BonusType - Enum in <Unnamed>
ABILITY_DICE - Static variable in class Character
Dice for ability scores.
abilityScore - Variable in class Character
The six ability scores.
abilityString() - Method in class Character
String representation of all ability scores.
add(Monster) - Method in class Party
addAllFeats() - Method in class ClassRecord
Choose all feats for new character.
addCondition(SpecialAbility.SpecialType) - Method in class Monster
Add a condition suffered from a special ability.
addEquipment(Equipment) - Method in class Character
addFeat() - Method in class Character
Add a random feat to this character.
addition - Variable in class Dice
Addition to the dice (negative = subtraction).
addLevel() - Method in class ClassRecord
Increment the level.
addToKillTally(Monster) - Method in class Arena
Add to the kill tally for winning monster type.
addToKillTally(int) - Method in class Monster
Add to kill tally.
addXP(int) - Method in class Character
Add XP to the first character class.
addXP(int, int) - Method in class Character
Add XP to a specified character class.
addXP(int) - Method in class ClassRecord
Add XP to this class.
addXP(int) - Method in class Monster
adjustForPrimeReq(int, ClassRecord) - Method in class Character
Adjust XP award for the class prime requisite.
advancedHpInc - Variable in class ClassType
Hit points added after max dice.
advancedXpInc - Variable in class ClassType
XP increment needed for advanced levels.
Alignment - Enum in <Unnamed>
Alignment enumeration.
Alignment() - Constructor for enum Alignment
alignment - Variable in class Monster
alignStr - Variable in class MenType
allowFeats - Static variable in class Character
Allow feats?
allowFeats() - Static method in class Character
Are we allowing optional feats?
allowSave() - Method in class SpecialAbility
Do we optionally allow a save against this ability?
APPLY_BONUS_XP - Static variable in class Character
Whether we apply the prime-requisite XP bonus.
Arena - Class in <Unnamed>
Arena of battling gladiators (fighters).
Arena() - Constructor for class Arena
Arena(Arena.ArenaType, int) - Constructor for class Arena
Constructor (set type, size).
Arena.ArenaType - Enum in <Unnamed>
ARENA_TYPE - Variable in class Arena
arenaType - Variable in class Arena
Arena type being run.
ArenaType() - Constructor for enum Arena.ArenaType
Armor - Class in <Unnamed>
Armor on a character.
Armor(Armor.Type, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Armor
Constructor (all fields)
Armor(Armor) - Constructor for class Armor
Constructor (copy)
armor - Variable in class Character
Armor worn.
Armor.Type - Enum in <Unnamed>
armorClass - Variable in class Monster
armorType - Variable in class Armor
Type of armor.
assembleMen() - Method in class Marshal
Main method.
atkBonusDenom - Variable in class ClassType
Attack bonus denominator.
atkBonusNumer - Variable in class ClassType
Attack bonus numerator.
Attack - Class in <Unnamed>
Attack routine specification (sword, claw, rock, etc.).
Attack(String, int, int, Dice) - Constructor for class Attack
Constructor (full fields).
Attack(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Attack
Constructor (rate, bonus, damage dice).
Attack(int, int) - Constructor for class Attack
Constructor (bonus, damage dice).
attack - Variable in class Monster
attackBonus() - Method in class ClassRecord
Return the base attack bonus for this class/level.
awardXP(Monster, Monster) - Method in class Arena
Award XP for victory to winning monster.
awardXP(Monster, int) - Method in class Arena
Award XP and magic to one creature/character.


BASE_ARMOR - Variable in class Arena
BASE_ARMOR_CLASS - Static variable in class Character
Base armor class.
BASE_MOVEMENT - Static variable in class Character
Base movement.
baseArmor - Variable in class Armor
Base armor points added.
baseArmorType - Variable in class Arena
Base armor type for fighters.
baseAttackBonus() - Method in class Character
Returns base attack bonus (max over all classes).
baseDamage - Variable in class Weapon
Base damage.
baseValue - Variable in class XPTable.XPRecord
baseWeaponType - Variable in class Arena
Fix primary weapon for fighters.
bestClassForSave(SavingThrows.SaveType) - Method in class Character
Find the best class to use for a given saving throw.
bestWeaponAgainst(Monster) - Method in class Character
Decide on the best weapon against a given monster.
bonus - Variable in class Attack
Attack bonus added to d20 hit rolls.
BONUS_TYPE - Static variable in enum Ability
bonusPercentXP(int) - Static method in enum Ability
Returns bonus percent of XP for prime requisite.
BonusType() - Constructor for enum Ability.BonusType
boundHitPoints() - Method in class Monster
Bound current hit points.
boundXPToLevel() - Method in class ClassRecord
Bound XP to indicated level.
breathCharges - Variable in class Monster
breatheFireOnEnemy(Party, int, int) - Method in class Monster
Apply area flame-breath damage to an enemy party.
breatheStoneOnEnemy(Party, int) - Method in class Monster
Apply area petrification effect on an enemy party.
bringOutYourDead() - Method in class Party
Move dead members to list of fallen.


canAttack(Monster) - Method in class Monster
Can we feasibly attack this target?
casterString() - Method in class Marshal
String descriptor of spellcasters.
category - Variable in class MenType
CHANCE_FEMALE - Variable in class NameGenerator
Chance for female name.
Character - Class in <Unnamed>
One character (player or non-player personae).
Character(String, String, String, int, Alignment) - Constructor for class Character
Constructor (single class, no equipment).
character - Variable in class ClassRecord
Character reference.
Character.Feat - Enum in <Unnamed>
Optional OED fighter feats.
charmer - Variable in class Monster
checkBreathWeapon(Party) - Method in class Monster
Check for a breath weapon attack.
checkConstriction() - Method in class Monster
Constrict host if appropriate.
checkDamageReduction(Monster, int) - Method in class Monster
Check for damage reduction on target.
checkDrainBlood() - Method in class Monster
Drain blood from host if appropriate.
checkMagicArmsBoost(int) - Method in class Character
Make rolls to possibly boost magic arms.
checkMagicArmsBoost(int) - Method in class Monster
checkRegeneration() - Method in class Monster
Regenerate hit points if appropriate.
checkSpecialOnHit(Monster, int, boolean) - Method in class Monster
Check for special ability triggers when we hit.
checkSummoning(Party) - Method in class Monster
Check if we can summon minions to a party.
CLASS_INDEX_FILE - Variable in class ClassIndex
Name of file with class information.
ClassIndex - Class in <Unnamed>
Index of supported character class types (singleton pattern).
ClassIndex() - Constructor for class ClassIndex
Constructor (read from dedicated file).
classList - Variable in class Character
List of classes with XP scores.
className - Variable in class SavingThrows.SaveRecord
ClassRecord - Class in <Unnamed>
Record of one class gained by a character (XP, level, hit points, etc.).
ClassRecord(Character, ClassType, int) - Constructor for class ClassRecord
Constructor (by ClassInfo, level, random hit points).
classString() - Method in class Character
String representation of all class and levels.
classType - Variable in class ClassRecord
Class type for this class.
ClassType - Class in <Unnamed>
One RPG character class type (fighter, thief, wizard, etc.).
ClassType(String[], String[][]) - Constructor for class ClassType
Constructor (from String arrays).
classTypeList - Variable in class ClassIndex
Array of ClassInfo records.
clearFallen() - Method in class Party
Clear out the list of fallen.
clearTimesMeleed() - Method in class Monster
clearTimesMeleed() - Method in class Party
Clear records of attacks taken.
COMMA - Static variable in class CSVReader
Standard delimiter for a CSV file (comma).
compareTo(Monster) - Method in class Monster
Compare to another monster by hit dice.
Component(int, String) - Constructor for class MenType.Component
composition - Variable in class MenType
computeArmorClass() - Method in class Character
Get adjusted armor class.
computeAttack() - Method in class Character
Get weapon-based melee attack routine.
computeMoveInches() - Method in class Character
Get movement based on armor.
computeXPBase(Dice) - Method in class XPTable
Compute base XP by HD * 100, as per Vol-1.
conditionList - Variable in class Monster
countAsterisks(String) - Method in class Monster
Count asterisks in a string (e.g., for XP bonus).
countMenAboveLevel(int) - Method in class Arena
Counts fighters at a given level or above.
createComponents(int) - Method in class MenType
Create separate unit components for this type of men.
createFromString(String) - Static method in class SpecialAbility
Create new special ability from string.
createRandomAbilityScores() - Method in class Character
Creates random ability scores.
CSVReader - Class in <Unnamed>
CSV-file reader help functions.
CSVReader() - Constructor for class CSVReader


damage - Variable in class Attack
Damage dice on successful hit.
DEFAULT_MODE - Static variable in class XPTable
Default mode for XP awards.
description - Variable in class MenType.Component
desiredListSize - Variable in class Arena
Desired size of the fighter list.
determineAlignment() - Method in class MenType
Determine alignment from among permitted options.
Dice - Class in <Unnamed>
Dice group for random rolls.
Dice(int) - Constructor for class Dice
Constructor (one die only).
Dice(int, int) - Constructor for class Dice
Constructor (number, sides).
Dice(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Dice
Constructor (number, sides, addition).
Dice(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Dice
Constructor (all fields).
Dice(String) - Constructor for class Dice
Constructor (read from string descriptor).
Dice(Dice) - Constructor for class Dice
Constructor (copy).
drawBestWeapon(Monster) - Method in class Character
Draw best weapon against a given monster.
drawBestWeapon(Monster) - Method in class Monster
drawWeapon(Weapon) - Method in class Character
Draw a particular weapon from equipment.
dropAllEquipment() - Method in class Character


ENERGY_DRAIN_CONSTANT_DAMAGE - Static variable in class SpecialAbility
Keep constant damage on energy drain (more punitive?)
ENERGY_DRAIN_SAVE - Static variable in class SpecialAbility
Allow a save versus energy drain?
equipList - Variable in class Character
Equipment carried.
Equipment - Class in <Unnamed>
One piece of equipment on a character.
Equipment(String, int) - Constructor for class Equipment
Basic constructor
equipString() - Method in class Character
String representation of equipment.
exitAfterArgs - Variable in class Marshal
Flag to escape after parsing arguments.
exitAfterArgs() - Method in class Marshal
Should we exit after parsing arguments?


fallen - Variable in class Party
List of fallen members.
Feat() - Constructor for enum Character.Feat
featList - Variable in class Character
Feats acquired.
featString() - Method in class Character
String representation of feats.
fight(Party, Party) - Static method in class FightManager
Fight a duel between parties.
fight(Monster, Monster) - Static method in class FightManager
Fight a duel between individual monsters.
fightDuels() - Method in class Arena
Fight duels for all fighters in list.
fightDuelsManVsMan() - Method in class Arena
Duel each pair of fighters.
fightDuelsManVsMonster() - Method in class Arena
Duel each fighter against a random monster.
fighterList - Variable in class Arena
List of fighters for the arena.
FightManager - Class in <Unnamed>
Manages one RPG fight (one encounter).
FightManager() - Constructor for class FightManager
Basic constructor
findCondition(SpecialAbility.SpecialType) - Method in class Monster
Find if we suffer from a given condition.
findSpecial(SpecialAbility.SpecialType) - Method in class Monster
Find if we have a given type of special ability.
findSupMaxHitPoints() - Method in class Character
Find maximum hit points (supremum over all classes).
formatBonus(int) - Method in class Equipment
Format magic bonus.
formatFeat(Character.Feat) - Method in class Character
Format feat name with spaces.
fullAttack(Attack, Monster) - Method in class Monster
Carry out full attack routine on another creature.


get(int) - Method in class ClassIndex
get(int) - Method in class Party
getAbbreviation() - Method in class ClassType
Get the class abbreviation.
getAbilityBonus(Ability) - Method in class Character
Get an ability score bonus/modifier.
getAbilityScore(Ability) - Method in class Character
Get an ability score.
getAC() - Method in class Monster
getAdd() - Method in class Dice
getAlignment() - Method in class Monster
getArmor() - Method in class Character
getArmorClass() - Method in class Monster
getArmorType() - Method in class Armor
getAttack() - Method in class Monster
getAttackBonus(int) - Method in class ClassType
Compute the attack bonus.
getBaseArmor() - Method in class Armor
getBaseDamage() - Method in class Weapon
getBonus(int) - Static method in enum Ability
Gives the bonus for a given ability score.
getBonus() - Method in class Attack
getBonus_BX(int) - Static method in enum Ability
BX-style bonus for a given ability score.
getBonus_OED(int) - Static method in enum Ability
OED-style bonus for a given ability score.
getCategory() - Method in class MenType
getCategory(String) - Method in class MenTypeList
Get a MenType from string description.
getClassType() - Method in class ClassRecord
getDamage() - Method in class Attack
getExperienceReq(int) - Method in class ClassType
Compute the experience required for a level.
getExperienceReqNext(int) - Method in class ClassType
Get the experience required for the following level.
getFallen(int) - Method in class Party
getHandsUsed() - Method in class Weapon
getHD() - Method in class Monster
getHitDice() - Method in class ClassRecord
Get adjusted hit dice for this class.
getHitDice() - Method in class Monster
getHitDiceInc(int) - Method in class ClassType
Returns added hit dice at a given level.
getHitDiceNum() - Method in class Character
Get raw number of hit dice.
getHitDiceNum() - Method in class Monster
getHitDiceTotal(int) - Method in class ClassType
Returns total hit dice at a given level.
getHitDiceType() - Method in class ClassType
Get the hit dice type.
getHitPoints() - Method in class ClassRecord
getHitPoints() - Method in class Monster
getHost() - Method in class Monster
getHP() - Method in class Monster
getInLairPct() - Method in class Monster
getInstance() - Static method in class ClassIndex
Access the singleton class instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class MenTypeList
Access the singleton class instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class NameGenerator
Access the singleton class instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class SavingThrows
Access the singleton class instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class XPTable
Access the singleton class instance.
getKillTally() - Method in class Monster
getLeaderArmor() - Method in class MenType
getLevel() - Method in class Character
Get highest class level.
getLevel() - Method in class ClassRecord
getLevel() - Method in class Monster
getLevelFromTitle(String) - Method in class ClassType
Get the level indicated by a given title.
getMagicBonus() - Method in class Equipment
getMagicHitLevel() - Method in class Character
Find what level of magic-to-hit we can strike.
getMagicHitLevel() - Method in class Monster
Find what level of magic-to-hit we can strike.
getMaterial() - Method in class Weapon
getMaxHitPoints() - Method in class Monster
getMaxMove() - Method in class Armor
getMode() - Method in class XPTable
Get the XP award mode.
getMoveInches() - Method in class Monster
getMul() - Method in class Dice
getMV() - Method in class Monster
getName() - Method in class Attack
getName() - Method in class ClassType
Get the class name.
getName() - Method in class Equipment
getName() - Method in class Monster
getNotes() - Method in class MenType
getNum() - Method in class Dice
getNumberAppearing() - Method in class Monster
getParam() - Method in class SpecialAbility
getPrimeRequisite() - Method in class ClassType
Get the prime requisite.
getRandom() - Method in class NameGenerator
Get a random name.
getRate() - Method in class Attack
getRecordByNum(int) - Method in class XPTable
Get record by high hit die number.
getRecordByText(String) - Method in class XPTable
Get record by hit dice text.
getSaveAsClass() - Method in class ClassType
Get the name of the class that we save as.
getSaveRecord(String, int) - Method in class SavingThrows
Find the correct SaveRecord for this class/level.
getSaveTarget(SavingThrows.SaveType, String, int) - Method in class SavingThrows
Get the target score for a saving throw.
getShield() - Method in class Character
getSides() - Method in class Dice
getSumLevels() - Method in class Party
Get total levels in the party.
getTableLevel() - Method in class Monster
getTimesMeleed() - Method in class Monster
getTitleFromLevel(int) - Method in class ClassType
Get the title for a given level.
getTopClass() - Method in class Character
Get highest level class.
getTreasureType() - Method in class Monster
getType() - Method in class Monster
getType() - Method in class SpecialAbility
getTypeFromName(String) - Method in class ClassIndex
Get ClassType for a given class name.
getTypeFromTitle(String) - Method in class ClassIndex
Get ClassType for a given class title.
getWeapon() - Method in class Character
getWeapon() - Method in class Monster
getXP() - Method in class ClassRecord
getXPAward() - Method in class Monster
Get the XP award value for defeating this monster.
getXPAward(Monster) - Method in class XPTable
Get XP award for one monster.
getXPRecord(Dice) - Method in class XPTable
Lookup XP record in table, as per Sup-I.
getXpSpecialAwards() - Method in class Monster
getXPSupI(Monster) - Method in class XPTable
Get total XP for monster as per Sup-I.
getXPVol1(Monster) - Method in class XPTable
Get total XP for monster as per Vol-1.


handsUsed - Variable in class Weapon
Hands used.
hasCasters - Variable in class MenType
hasCasters() - Method in class MenType
hasCondition(SpecialAbility.SpecialType) - Method in class Monster
Check if we suffer from a given condition.
hasDisablingCondition() - Method in class Monster
Check if we suffer from a disabling condition.
hasFeat(Character.Feat) - Method in class Character
Does this character have a given feat?
hasFeat(Character.Feat) - Method in class Monster
hasSpecial(SpecialAbility.SpecialType) - Method in class Monster
Check if this monster has a given type of special ability.
HDStr - Variable in class MenType
HDStr - Variable in class XPTable.XPRecord
headCount() - Method in class Monster
Count current heads for multiheaded types.
healAll() - Method in class Party
Heal the party fully.
hitDice - Variable in class Monster
hitDiceMax - Variable in class ClassType
Hit dice maximum.
hitDiceType - Variable in class ClassType
Hit dice type (sides).
hitModifier(Monster) - Method in class Monster
Return hit modifier against a target.
hitPoints - Variable in class ClassRecord
Hit points earned for this class.
hitPoints - Variable in class Monster
horsDeCombat() - Method in class Monster
Check if the monster is out of the fight.
host - Variable in class Monster


incMagicBonus() - Method in class Equipment
Increment the magic bonus.
incTimesMeleed() - Method in class Monster
initialize() - Static method in class Dice
Initialize the dice random generator.
inLairPct - Variable in class Monster
instaKill() - Method in class Monster
Kill this monster (reduce to 0 hp).
instance - Static variable in class ClassIndex
The singleton class instance.
instance - Static variable in class MenTypeList
The singleton class instance.
instance - Static variable in class NameGenerator
The singleton class instance.
instance - Static variable in class SavingThrows
The singleton class instance.
instance - Static variable in class XPTable
The singleton class instance.
isCharmed() - Method in class Monster
isDisabling() - Method in class SpecialAbility
Does this ability confer a disabling condition?
isFeatLevel(int) - Method in class ClassRecord
Is this a level where we gain a feat?
isLeaderReqMet(Arena) - Method in class Marshal
Check if we have required leaders.
isLive() - Method in class Party
isMale - Variable in class NameGenerator.NameData
isOpenToMelee() - Method in class Monster
Check if we are subject to more melee attacks.
isOpenToMelee() - Method in class Party
Check if any members are yet un-melee'd.


killTally - Variable in class Monster


leaderArmor - Variable in class MenType
length - Static variable in enum Ability
Total number of ability scores available.
length - Static variable in enum Character.Feat
Total number of feats available.
length - Static variable in enum SavingThrows.SaveType
Total number of save types available.
level - Variable in class ClassRecord
Level in this class.
loseFeat() - Method in class Character
Lose the last feat for this character.
loseLevel() - Method in class Character
Lose a level (e.g., energy drain).
loseLevel() - Method in class ClassRecord
Decrement the level.
loseLevel() - Method in class Monster
Lose a level (e.g., energy drain).


magicBonus - Variable in class Equipment
Magic bonus value.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Arena
Main application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Attack
Main test function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Character
Main test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ClassIndex
Main test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class CSVReader
Main test function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Dice
Main test function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Marshal
Main test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class MenTypeList
Main test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Monster
Main test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class SavingThrows
Main test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class SpecialAbility
Main test function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class XPTable
Main test method.
makeLineFromStrings(String...) - Static method in class CSVReader
Make a CSV line from strings (for writing)
makeSpecialAttack(Party) - Method in class Monster
Make a special attack on an enemy party.
makeSpecialAttacks(Party) - Method in class Party
Make special attacks against an enemy party.
makeType(Armor.Type) - Static method in class Armor
Create a new armor of a given type.
Marshal - Class in <Unnamed>
Marshals given types of men, including leaders.
Marshal() - Constructor for class Marshal
material - Variable in class Weapon
Material() - Constructor for enum Weapon.Material
MAX_LEVEL - Variable in class Arena
MAX_MAGIC_BONUS - Static variable in class Equipment
Maximum magic bonus allowed.
MAX_MELEERS - Static variable in class Monster
Maximum enemies who can melee us at once.
maxDamageVsMonster(Monster) - Method in class Character
Compute max damage against a given monster.
maxHitPoints - Variable in class Monster
maxMovement - Variable in class Armor
Max movement allowed.
maxRoll() - Method in class Dice
Compute the maximum possible roll.
members - Variable in class Party
List of party members.
menTotal - Variable in class Marshal
Number of men in force.
menType - Variable in class Marshal
Type of men to construct.
MenType - Class in <Unnamed>
One type of NPC men encounter.
MenType(String[]) - Constructor for class MenType
Constructor (from string array)
MenType.Component - Class in <Unnamed>
Unit component
MenTypeList - Class in <Unnamed>
List of NPC men encounters.
MenTypeList() - Constructor for class MenTypeList
Constructor (read from dedicated file).
MENTYPES_FILE - Variable in class MenTypeList
Name of file with information.
minLevel - Variable in class SavingThrows.SaveRecord
Monster - Class in <Unnamed>
Monster (hostile or benign creature).
Monster(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Monster
Constructor (primitive stats).
Monster(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Monster
Constructor (primitive stats, attack rate, damage dice).
Monster(String, String, Alignment, int, int, Dice, Attack) - Constructor for class Monster
Constructor (most fields; no special abilities).
Monster(String[]) - Constructor for class Monster
Constructor (from String array).
Monster(Monster) - Constructor for class Monster
Constructor (copy).
MONSTER_MATRIX_MODIFIER - Variable in class Arena
moveInches - Variable in class Monster
multiplier - Variable in class Dice
Multiplier to the dice (negative = divisor).


name - Variable in class Attack
Name descriptor of this attack form.
name - Variable in class ClassType
Name of this class.
name - Variable in class Equipment
Name of this piece of equipment.
name - Variable in class Monster
name - Variable in class NameGenerator.NameData
NameData(String[]) - Constructor for class NameGenerator.NameData
NameGenerator - Class in <Unnamed>
Name generator for characters.
NameGenerator() - Constructor for class NameGenerator
Constructor (read from dedicated file).
NameGenerator.NameData - Class in <Unnamed>
nameList - Variable in class NameGenerator
Table of saving throw targets.
NAMES_FILE - Variable in class NameGenerator
Name of file with names.
newFighter(int) - Method in class Arena
Create a new fighter of the indicated level.
newNPCFromTitle(String, Alignment) - Static method in class Character
Create human NPC with equipment from class title.
notes - Variable in class MenType
NPC_PCT_MAGIC_PER_LEVEL - Static variable in class Character
Percent per level for NPC magic items.
NUM_FIGHTERS - Variable in class Arena
NUM_FIGHTS - Variable in class Arena
number - Variable in class Dice
Number of dice.
number - Variable in class MenType.Component
NUMBER_APPEARING_DICE - Static variable in class Marshal
Dice for standard number of men.
numberAppearing - Variable in class Monster


ORIGINAL_XP - Variable in class Arena


param - Variable in class SpecialAbility
Parameter for level of ability.
parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class Marshal
Parse arguments.
parseInt(String) - Static method in class CSVReader
Parse string to integer, treating dash as zero.
Party - Class in <Unnamed>
One party (force, team, band, group) of Monsters.
Party() - Constructor for class Party
Empty constructor
Party(Monster) - Constructor for class Party
Solo party
Party(ArrayList<Monster>) - Constructor for class Party
List constructor
PCT_LEVEL_CHOICE_MOD - Variable in class Arena
PCT_MAGIC_PER_LEVEL - Variable in class Arena
prepBattle(Party) - Method in class Party
Prepare for battle against an enemy.
primeRequisite - Variable in class ClassType
Prime requisite ability.
printMenAboveLevel(int) - Method in class Arena
Prints fighters at a given level or above.
printUsage() - Method in class Marshal
Print usage.


QUOTE - Static variable in class CSVReader
Quotes used for special field containers.


random() - Static method in enum Alignment
Return a random alignment.
random - Static variable in class Dice
Random number generator.
random() - Method in class Party
Pick a random party member.
randomGroup(int) - Method in class Party
Get a random subset of this party.
randomMelee() - Method in class Party
Pick a target for melee.
randomPrimary() - Static method in class Weapon
Make a random primary melee weapon.
randomSecondary() - Static method in class Weapon
Make a random secondary melee weapon.
rate - Variable in class Attack
Rate of attacks per round.
readFile(String) - Static method in class CSVReader
Read in a text file.
recruitNewFighters() - Method in class Arena
Fill out the fighter list.
REPORT_ALL_FIGHTERS - Variable in class Arena
REPORT_LEVEL - Variable in class Arena
REPORT_MONSTER_KILLS - Variable in class Arena
REPORT_PLAY_BY_PLAY - Static variable in class FightManager
reportAllFighters() - Method in class Arena
Print all of the fighters (for testing small groups).
reportFighterStatistics() - Method in class Arena
Generate and print statistics for all the fighters.
reportGrunts() - Method in class Marshal
Generate and report on grunt-types.
reportHeader() - Method in class Marshal
Generate and report unit header.
reportLeaders() - Method in class Marshal
Generate and report on leader-types.
reportMonsterKills() - Method in class Arena
Prints number killed by each monster type.
reportNotes() - Method in class Marshal
Generate and report miscellaneous notes.
reportPlayByPlay(Party, Party) - Static method in class FightManager
Report play-by-play.
reportRoll() - Method in class Dice
Get a string description of a roll.
reportVictory(Party) - Static method in class FightManager
Report victory.
roll(int) - Static method in class Dice
Roll one die from a static context.
roll() - Method in class Dice
Rolls the dice.
rollFullHitPoints() - Method in class ClassRecord
Roll full hit points from start to current level.
rollHitPoints() - Method in class Monster
Roll hit points from hit dice.
rollNewHitPoints(int) - Method in class ClassRecord
Add hit points for a given level.
rollPlus(int) - Method in class Dice
Rolls the dice with added modifier.
rollSave(SavingThrows.SaveType, int) - Method in class Character
Roll a saving throw with modifier.
rollSave(SavingThrows.SaveType) - Method in class Monster
Roll a saving throw with no modifier.
rollSave(SavingThrows.SaveType, int) - Method in class Monster
Roll a saving throw with modifier.
rollSave(SavingThrows.SaveType, String, int, int) - Method in class SavingThrows
Roll a saving throw with a modifier.
rollSave(SavingThrows.SaveType, String, int) - Method in class SavingThrows
Roll a saving throw without a modifier.
ROTTING_DISEASE_SAVE - Static variable in class SpecialAbility
Allow a save versus rotting disease?
runArena() - Method in class Arena
Run the arena's top-level algorithm.
runOneCycle() - Method in class Arena
Run one cycle of fights for the whole list.


saveAsClass - Variable in class ClassType
Save as this class.
SaveRecord(String[]) - Constructor for class SavingThrows.SaveRecord
saveScore - Variable in class SavingThrows.SaveRecord
SaveType() - Constructor for enum SavingThrows.SaveType
SAVING_THROWS_FILE - Variable in class SavingThrows
Name of file with saving throw scores.
SavingThrows - Class in <Unnamed>
Saving throws table (singleton pattern).
SavingThrows() - Constructor for class SavingThrows
Constructor (read from dedicated file).
SavingThrows.SaveRecord - Class in <Unnamed>
SavingThrows.SaveType - Enum in <Unnamed>
Saving throw types.
setAdd(int) - Method in class Dice
setAlignment(Alignment) - Method in class Monster
setArmor(Armor) - Method in class Character
Set armor worn.
setBaseArmor(Armor.Type) - Method in class Arena
Set the base armor type.
setBaseWeapon(Weapon) - Method in class Arena
Set the base weapon type.
setBasicEquipment() - Method in class Character
Set basic equipment by top class.
setBonus(int) - Method in class Attack
setCharmed(Monster) - Method in class Monster
Indicate that we are charmed by some other creature.
setFeatUsage(boolean) - Static method in class Character
Set if we should be using optional feats.
setHitPointsToMax() - Method in class Monster
Set hit points to maxHitPoints.
setHost(Monster) - Method in class Monster
Attach ourselves to some creature (e.g., blood drain).
setMagicBonus(int) - Method in class Equipment
setMode(XPTable.XPMode) - Method in class XPTable
Set the XP award mode.
setMul(int) - Method in class Dice
setNum(int) - Method in class Dice
setRate(int) - Method in class Attack
setShield(Armor) - Method in class Character
Set shield carried.
setSides(int) - Method in class Dice
setType(String) - Method in class Monster
sheatheWeapon() - Method in class Character
Sheathe weapon in hand back to equipment.
sheatheWeapon() - Method in class Monster
shield - Variable in class Character
Shield held.
shuffleMembers() - Method in class Party
Shuffle the list of members.
sides - Variable in class Dice
Sides on the dice.
silverDagger() - Static method in class Weapon
Make a silver dagger.
singleAttack(Attack, Monster, boolean) - Method in class Monster
Make one attack on another creature.
size() - Method in class ClassIndex
size() - Method in class Party
sizeFallen() - Method in class Party
sortMembers() - Method in class Party
Sort the list of members.
spawn() - Method in class Monster
Spawn a new monster of this type, with different hit points.
SpecialAbility - Class in <Unnamed>
Special abilities for monsters.
SpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.SpecialType) - Constructor for class SpecialAbility
Constructor (no param).
SpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.SpecialType, int) - Constructor for class SpecialAbility
Constructor (all fields).
SpecialAbility.SpecialType - Enum in <Unnamed>
Enumeration for different special ability types.
specialAdd - Variable in class XPTable.XPRecord
specialList - Variable in class Monster
specialString() - Method in class Monster
Identify special abilities as a string.
SpecialType() - Constructor for enum SpecialAbility.SpecialType
splitLine(String) - Static method in class CSVReader
Split one line with proper quote handling.
splitLineNoQuotes(String) - Static method in class CSVReader
Split one line with no quote-handling (for testing)
START_LEVEL - Variable in class Arena
swordsOnly - Variable in class Marshal
Force all leaders to carry swords.


tableLevel - Variable in class Monster
takeDamage(int) - Method in class Monster
Take damage (minimum 0 hp).
takeTurn(Party) - Method in class Party
Have each member take its turn against an enemy.
targetsTable - Variable in class SavingThrows
Table of saving throw targets.
timesMeleed - Variable in class Monster
titles - Variable in class ClassType
Array of level titles.
toString() - Method in class Attack
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class Character
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class ClassRecord
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class ClassType
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class Dice
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class Equipment
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class MenType
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class MenTypeList
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class Monster
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class Party
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class SavingThrows.SaveRecord
toString() - Method in class SpecialAbility
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class Weapon
Identify this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class XPTable.XPRecord
totalXP() - Method in class Character
Returns total XP (sum over all classes).
totalXPAward(Monster) - Method in class Arena
Compute total XP award from monster + treasure.
treasureType - Variable in class Monster
trimTrailingDelimit(String) - Static method in class CSVReader
Trim off trailing delimiters of a string.
Type() - Constructor for enum Armor.Type
type - Variable in class Monster
type - Variable in class SpecialAbility
Type of special ability.
typeList - Variable in class MenTypeList
List of MenTypes.


updateArmorStats() - Method in class Character
Update AC, MV on any armor change.
updateAttackStats() - Method in class Character
Update attacks on any weapon change.
updateLevelChanges() - Method in class Character
Update records after a level change.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Ability.BonusType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Ability
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Arena.ArenaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Armor.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Character.Feat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum SavingThrows.SaveType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum SpecialAbility.SpecialType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Weapon.Material
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum XPTable.XPMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum Ability.BonusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Ability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Arena.ArenaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Armor.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Character.Feat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum SavingThrows.SaveType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum SpecialAbility.SpecialType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Weapon.Material
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum XPTable.XPMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


Weapon - Class in <Unnamed>
Weapon on a character.
Weapon(String, Dice, int, int, Weapon.Material) - Constructor for class Weapon
Constructor (all fields).
Weapon(String, Dice, int, int) - Constructor for class Weapon
Constructor (no material).
Weapon(String, Dice, int) - Constructor for class Weapon
Constructor (name, damage, hands).
Weapon(Weapon) - Constructor for class Weapon
Constructor (copy)
Weapon.Material - Enum in <Unnamed>
weaponInHand - Variable in class Character
Weapon in hand.


XP - Variable in class ClassRecord
Experience points earned towards this class.
XP_MODE - Variable in class Arena
xpMode - Variable in class XPTable
Active mode for awards.
XPMode() - Constructor for enum XPTable.XPMode
XPRecord(String[]) - Constructor for class XPTable.XPRecord
xpRecordArray - Variable in class XPTable
Array of XPRecords.
xpReqs - Variable in class ClassType
Array of low-level XP requirements.
xpSpecialAwards - Variable in class Monster
XPTable - Class in <Unnamed>
Experience award table (includes Vol-1, Sup-I alternatives).
XPTable() - Constructor for class XPTable
Constructor (read from dedicated file).
XPTable.XPMode - Enum in <Unnamed>
Modes for XP awards.
XPTable.XPRecord - Class in <Unnamed>
XPTABLE_FILE - Variable in class XPTable
Name of file with information.
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